
Chaos on the mind

“The time has come Dreamweaver said, to speak of many things’.of whereness, and whenness and gravity wells of white holes, lifts and strings” – el Loco Gringo

(Think complex fluid dynamics. ) Mathematically, chaos means deterministic behavior which is very sensitive to its initial conditions. In other words, infinitesimal perturbations of initial conditions for a chaotic dynamic system lead to large variations in behavior. Chaos is the study of dynamic systems and how they work.

The flapping of a single butterfly’s wing today produces a tiny change in the state of the atmosphere. Over a period of time, when the atmosphere actually does diverge from what it would have done. So, in a month’s time, a tornado that would have devastated the Indonesian coast doesn’t happen. Or maybe one that wasn’t going to happen, does.

Chaotic systems consequently look random. However, they are actually deterministic systems governed by physical or mathematical laws (predictable in principle, if you have exact information) that are impossible to predict in practice beyond a certain point. (In practice, indeterminate)

Aspects of chaos show up everywhere around the world, from the currents of the ocean and the flow of blood through fractal blood vessels to the branches of trees and the effects of turbulence.

Holography is a natural consequence of chaos theory. Destruction of brain cells does not result in loss of memory, as seems intuitive, but the entire memory remains in the part that’s left. Only 2% of the mind is required for complete memory recall, (of course it will no longer be holographic). Fractal has come to mean any image that displays the attribute of self-similarity. Application of chaos theory to the mind requires the ability to think in 13 dimensions. But the ANN can.

A neuro-scientist has cultured rat brain cells into an amorphous mass of neurons. By sticking wires, connected to I/O devices, into this mass he was able to build a robot that was able to learn. He found that the neurons immediately connected and started communicating with each other.  Similar results are obtained with stroke and brain damage victims.

Rat Brain Robot1 Rat Brain Robot-2

An analogy would be a stream, with tributaries and estuaries, flows, undercurrents, whirlpools, eddies, waves, ripples. A rock thrown into this stream causes turbulence. This is an emotional problem.

Any questions to be addressed to Benoit Mandlebrot. Any answers to be addressed to me.  If you want to find out how the universe REALLY works, check out wave and motion.

Fractals Chaos HowChaosDrivesTheBrain AfricanFractals Wave&Motion HolographicMind MultiMind Perceptron TheLittleHoochieKoochie The BigHoochieKoochie Nostalgia TheRubberRuler Negentropy1 Negentropy2 Emergence Shadows VectorMath SquareEarth Calculus

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Standing Wave

The source is here> StandingWave

While this is a mini-standing wave and not the continuum standing wave, which is rotational in nature with a beat of eight and is negentropic (Kinda hard to put the universe in a lab). Past that I can’t say, I’m not a mathematician nor do I care to be, nor am I sure that mathematics is relevant until it can be used to quantify the frequency domain. (a new mathematics, maybe?) The big hitch in the giddyup here is that you are using an artificial quantification to evaluate an interpretation of of a perception. Put another way, you’re measuring shadows of reality. You and Milo Wolff are without a doubt correct as far as you go, but it is only a beginning of understanding. You are at the Plato stage of real physics. Perhaps in a millennium there will be a Newton, and in another an Einstein. Should be fun. As I mentioned, my interest is in what the “big hootchie-koochie” is doing inside the skull. If you think the standing wave is impressive from your perspective, you should see it from mine.

The scalar product (the dot product)What does the product of two vectors mean? It must obviously be rather different to the product of two numbers. The answer is that it could mean anything that we define it to mean, provided that the definition is consistent. There would be no point in defining the product unless it were useful, so let’s see where we could use it.

Our universe, being subject to relativity, is not Euclidean. This becomes significant in theoretical considerations of astronomy and cosmology, and also in some practical problems such as global positioning and airplane navigation. Nonetheless, a Euclidean model of the universe can still be used to solve many other practical problems with sufficient precision.

Rotating Vectors

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Multi Mind

The Multi-Dimensional Mind

If the mind is holographic, ie governed by the math of chaos theory, it must be multidimensional. At least 4, probably 13. While I’ll leave that to the mathematicians, it’s still hard to wrap your head around the concept.. For my purposes I use 3 perspectives, the emotional, the frontal and the tandem. Keep in mind that we are really talking about patterns and very simplistic perspectives of them.

The tandem view was developed to find why people reject data and logic. It is a construct only, useful for visualizing activity in the mind. This view shows the mind as a single neural network, acting as a whole. It consists of the sensory I/O devices, the interface, the primal defense mechanism, dominant and sub-dominant algorithm, the ANN and the unANN. The algorithms are primarily redundant and irrelevant data discarding mechanisms. This explains why people reject data but not why they reject logic.

The lateral view was developed to find why people reject logic. It explores the synergistic relationship between the two hemispheres of the brain, specializing in determinate and indeterminate logic (binary & boolean). It illustrated that the logic problem was occurring because of an overlay of reductionist thinking on the right hemisphere, by both social and educational input.

The emotional view explores the emotional overlays which effect the workings of the mind. Ie Centering. Religion is quick to exploit this vulnerability, not necessarily to bad effect.

Problems in any of these areas causes a dysfunction in cognitive ability.

A major design flaw is there is no protection for a spin-out that can overwrite the wetware.

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The Perceptron Mind

Developed by Frank Rosenblatt of Cornell is a model for a feedforward neural network for the development of artificial intelligence. Of special interest is the “hidden layer” which has an overall monitoring effect on all the other layers. This is where centering fits. This hidden layer can alter the outcome of the network. The following relationships illustrate this.

This model is conceptualizable by the mind, whereas the holographic mind isn’t. The perceptron mind is to the holographic mind as Newton physics is to Einstein physics. An excellent discussion on the perceptron is enclosed.

Next> The Big Hoochie-Koochie Erlang

Holographic Mind

The holographic principle is a property of quantum gravity theories.

The analogy of a RAM is convenient but we are not dealing with an actual physical construct, as the sub-quantum realm exists outside of space-time. Think of the individual “storage space” as “whirlpools in the river”; It is able to access it’s “data” and “programs” strictly by virtue of it’s physical/energetic resonant signature Those familiar with signal routing through fiber-optic networks understand the concept of multiplexing, which builds a mental bridge for them to grasp this concept as applied to consciousness, which is matched to their “RAM”

A new scientific paradigm for studying mental processes, it is a hypothesis that could explain some of the classical paradoxes of brain function as well as some paranormal and transcendental experiences. The brain operates according to the same mathematical principles as a hologram. Memory is a result of biochemical changes in the brain and is stored in individual cells to be recalled when electrochemically activated. Traces of the same memory have been proven to exist in more than one area or part of the brain, or how memory comes to be distributed through the brain.

The process is the same as the mathematical transformation that occurs when a three-dimensional image is projected into space in holography. Initially, the notion of a neural hologram was only a metaphor. But now, Pribram believes there is sufficient laboratory evidence to demonstrate a physiological basis for the model.

Why was it that any given discrete memory would not be lost after brain injury? If a person has a stroke, and half his mind is destroyed, he doesn’t come home and recognize only half his family. It doesn’t work that way. Either memory is destroyed completely or nothing is lost. There’s no correspondence between how much tissue is damaged and how much memory is lost.

Just 2 percent of the fibers in a particular system would retain that system’s functions. There’s an amazing amount of redundancy in the brain. Imagine if 98 percent of your kidneys were gone, but the other 2 percent worked so well you couldn’t find anything wrong at all. The brains spare reserve for memory is fantastic.

Memory seems to be distributed throughout the brain, located in no particular part.

In the unANN HolographicMind

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Making pretty pictures with the MRI to be misinterpreted by Psychologists

Check out this website> Exploring Emergence This is a pretty good  method for seeing how a fluidic system can be synthesized by a binary system.  The original is Conway’s game of life,  computers allowed for more flexibility in rules and quantity of data. ( Cellular automata.)

It seems pretty clear that this is an object, doesn’t it?

But in fact, what appears to be an object is not really an object at all. All that is happening is that little squares on the screen are turning “on” and “off,” following a set of simple rules. And those rules say nothing at all about objects and nothing at all about direction.

We will examine how objects and patterns can arise from simple interactions in ways that are surprising and counter-intuitive. We will present examples with simple squares that turn on and off, but the underlying ideas will provide you with a new perspective for thinking about many phenomena in the everyday world. This is the model for the dynamics of the mind.  Cascade

Bear in mind the the videos are only a 2 dimensional representation of a 4 dimensional process. If dimension applies.  Setting aside for the moment that an MRI only detects the electrical activity of the mind (another mind fart, the brain is chemical, not electrical.  IE the electrical pulsing is a result of chemical activity.)  I think that the brain is synthesizing the pulse patterns.  the patterns make sense but not in a way that would make sense to a (mainstream)  scientist. Here’s another link I found which illustrates what i think is happening, but their explanation sucks.  I haven’t found the original and haven’t  published this yet.  This is squishy^3.  Basically, i think this is what they’re looking at.  They need to hide these MRI machines from psychologists.  Here’s one more complicated>  Sheep & Wolves HowChaosDrivesTheBrain Predator & Prey And heres a couple of Java apps, play> Ripple 2 slot

Keep in mind that these are 2d representations of 3d interpretations of 4d perceptions.  Are we having fun yet?

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Graphics, Java, Videos

Wrap your head around this Mr Geoff

Think of the frequency domain as right mind

and the time domain as left mind

The left mind interprets the perception of the right mind and throws away a dimension.

The freq axis is reality, the time axis is artificial.




Download SWF file here:

View of the relationship between the frequency domain and the time domain.


Another view of the freq/time domain relationships


In this visualization the freq domain is shown in 2 dimension.  Turn sound, log and mag on.  Notice the discordance in any but the sine and triangle wave.  Notice on the triangle wave the do, re, mi fa, so, la, ti, do as the number of elements goes from one to whatever.  There’s your beat of 8 dude, or your eightfold way of the universe, or the miracle of music or whatever you want to call it.  Everyone thinks the top graph is reality, in fact it’s an interpretation of the second graph.



The unANN use 1 source, borders, quite accurate representation of a 3 dimensional process in 2 dimensions.  Input from the ANN at the top which “puffs?” it.  I even shows how memories, concepts, input is assimilated and absorbed into the chaotic matrix.

To visualise stupid, start ripple, check 3d, rotate till the input faces you, This is stupid, check borders, this is smart.  Stupid has no individuation.

Ripple 2 slot

This is how it works synthetication of motion

Celllular Automata

Here’s a double arm-load of visuals> Java Apps

Prospecting StanfordFourier SSG SEG

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